Many survivors have a difficult time with the concept of the child within, even though forgiving the child is an essential part of healing.

Survivors hate themselves for having been small, for having needed affection, for having " let themselves " be abused.

To begin with, your survival depended on your covering up your vulnerability.

"I had been innocent! There was nothing I could have done to protect myself. None of it had been my fault. I was only a child."

You have not had access to your child's softness, to his or her sense of trust and wonder.

When you hate the child within, you're hating part of yourself.

It is only in taking care of him or her that you can really learn to take care of yourself.

"What do you need today? What can I do to make you feel safe? No, I am not going to just tell you to go away."

"What I had felt was "Get this fucking brat out of my way, and let me get on with my life! "

"Somebody has to be the adult around here, you know. Just because I ask for it doesn't mean you have to give it all to me. You don't let your son eat all that junk, no matter how he acts to try to get it. Don't you love me as much as you love him? What's the matter with you anyway?"

Created safe places for the child, complete with age-appropriate toys, stuffed animals, postcards sent and received, drawings and lots of affirmations...

I comfort the child.

"Oh, I love being little! "



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