Living with my Soul
When I objectify a woman I stop paying attention to my soul.
When I smoke, drink or take prescription drugs wrongly, I can’t feel my soul.
Feeling my soul is very useful, if Luke is correct, and the Kingdom of God is truly within.
Can you imagine how much perspective (sanity) you would get if you recognised, while in this life, that part of you is eternal.
When I overeat or drink coffee, I sever my connection with my soul.
When I am in conflict with someone I am paying attention to my body, my mind and my feelings…but, not my soul.
While a doorway may not be the most impressive part of a house…it is necessary to lead you to the more impressive parts.
Breathing deeply and focusing on the solar plexus (thymos) is the most efficacious way to access my immortal soul, for me…as the 12 steppers would say.
By the way, when I masturbate or have sex indiscriminately I totally truncate my connection to my soul.
Sotcc and Chastity
I am willing to live Sotcc and Chastity and embrace prayer... to the best of my ability today.
I am willing to live, think and act humbly by acknowledging that Sotcc and Chastity is God's will for me today.
I am willing to serve others today to help them get, and stay, sexually sober.
I am willing to pray the prayer "Sister may no harm come to you for me" for every female I come in contact with today so that I am free from intrigue, fantasy, and objectification.
I am willing to take phone calls from people who are seeking to define their own conception of God so that they can be sexually free.
I am willing to joyfully celebrate this national holiday of the founders of our nation.
I'm willing to rest today and "Lie down in green pastures "as Psalm 23 says.
I am willing to play today, to show my son how to have fun.
I am willing to follow my food plan that I am not fat.
I am willing to use breath prayer to calm my mind and make it "susceptible to divine influences".
I am willing to set boundaries with people who are harmful, spiritually confused or just uninterested in their own souls, to protect myself.
I am willing to announce limits about what I'm capable of doing today... and be at peace with that.
I am willing to be grateful today for all the many blessings God has given me.
I rose up from near death;
the near death of faith,
the complete death of love (for anyone but my son) and the near physical death from three years of exhausting fighting for him.
But, we freed him and my heart healed, and my body.
I rose from that near death and celebrated all day long on this President's Day 2025.
He saw a feelings doctor (for his healing).
The Prior took him to play in a park.
I found his iPad and we installed a new game.
We all kicked the soccer ball and then we saw two movies.
Then we worked out and then we read stories all night.
I have healed and my son is healing.
It has been our Easter...
"Glory to God in the Highest and Peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased"
Luke 2:14
Renouncing the Fifth Tradition
I have critics. Hell, I have enemies...
My main criticism is that I talk about other programs.
This is seen as a violation of Tradition Five which says " Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers".
I understand this complaint. AA does not want to fall apart the way the very successful temperance group "The Washingtonians", did in the mid 19th Century.
But, how sober can you be if you are masturbating, using porn, cheating on your wife, smoking, grossly overweight or wildly in debt or manically high on coffee?
Tom Powers, the author of the AA 12x12, saw this problem in 1958 and started All Addictions Anonymous which is still operating today.
I saw this problem in 1988 but tolerated it until 2010 and then started PrayerCall because I wanted to be safe talking about these other problems.
I accept that I have critics...
"Pitiful and incomprehensible demoralisation"...
I saw that in a man's face today.
Which addiction it is, doesn't really matter.
Rage, self-pity, confusion, despair, hopelessness…
Please Higher Power help me to surrender any addictive behaviour or thoughts to you… And help me be grateful for what I have.
Have mercy on us all...have mercy.
When I think of faith, the first thing I think of is faith in God.
But, there are other kinds of faith.
I know that I have complete faith and when things get bad enough, I will do something about them… But not a second before.
But, there is another kind of faith.
People have faith in the truth I am telling them... I cannot let them down.
Matthew 7:6
"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces"
I did not do this recently. I shared the gift of Chastity with someone who resented it and there were violent results.
I will humbly obey this in the future...
I started running again after a 10 day break of just doing mat work (core/pushups/yoga).
It felt very spiritual in that I began to feel enthusiastic about my recovery, because my food choices immediately got better.
On Valentine's Day weekend I ate out twice without a scale. That is perfectly legitimate in FA, but I ate foods I would not normally eat.
" Restricting " is a no-no in FA but " "Self-restraint carries the top priority rating" (AA 12x12)
Here is the Internet AI search:
"Self-restraint carries the top priority rating," is found in the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) "Big Book" specifically in Step 10, which emphasizes the importance of developing self-control as a key aspect of maintaining sobriety, placing it above other considerations in personal inventory and behavior modification."