Chastity Office 146


I am grateful to be free of objectification, fantasy, intrigue and also masturbation and affairs.

Help me to be useful to those who are interested in these things.

Help me to keep strong boundaries with those who are choosing to indulge in these things.

And, for today, help me to appreciate the gifts of chastity that you have presented the opportunity for me to simply enjoy.

Chastity Office 147

Let’s pursue Gandhi’s near vituperative claim that “without chastity you are insipid”.

Which means :

In truth, I don’t want the world knowing that I don’t masturbate, pray six times a day, eat raw foods, write avant-garde music or spend most of my time freely serving others. They would think I was just too weird…and ostracize me.

So, I am glad if someone finds me boring.

So, here, Gandhi is of absolutely no help.

However, there is one person I truly do not want to present to, as being insipid…and that is my three year old son.

I want to present as honest, unselfish, funny, courageous, safe, and fun to be with…pretty much the diametric opposite of “insipid”.

So, in my most important human relationship, if I want to not be insipid…I might want to take Gandhi’s admonition seriously.

Would I be chaste to be a better father?

Hell, yes!

Chastity Office 148

The thing about really trying to do God’s, after doing the Third Step, is that some really bad things can happen: divorces, custody cases, loss of jobs, health challenges, people die.

But, what looks like absolute disaster at the time, if you keep trying your best to do God’s will, is that that disaster turns out to be the very best thing that could have happened to you.

Gandhi is right “ In Chastity lies the protection of the body, the mind and the soul”.

If you are ever really up against it…Chastity is a diamond cutter of a tool to get you through it.

Chastity Office 149

“Why don’t you choose your own conception of God? 

Page 12 Big Book

Practical God:

I believe in God because on May 4, 1988, I prayed “ Please help me not drink”… and I never drank again.

So, I know, from direct experience, that there is a God and that prayer works.

I want to apply that to the biggest health issue, not only in the US, but in the entire world…being overweight.

And I want to apply it to a primarily Men’s issue: pornography

Actually, porn is just a symptom, it’s masturbation that is the root cause. You get rid of the fire…the smoke won’t bother you.

I choose the conception of God that I know works and apply it to eating and masturbation.

That’s why I pray six times a day.

I need to know absolutely nothing else about God…except that.

Chastity Office 150

In The Celibate Promises, the First Promise is:

1) We will be more available to our children

That is the most dear of the tangible human gifts received from choosing chastity, for me:

This week, 11/27-12/3/2022, that meant:

Taking my son to two movies…with popcorn and M&M’s

Taking him to his favorite place on earth the science museum The Exploratorium

Buying two new small metal trucks and playing them with him over a dozen times

Going to Pier 39, our tourist district and going to the Aquarium, House of Mirrors and introducing him to his first cotton candy and his first Merry-Go-Round

It meant banging each other on the head with two soccer size rubber balls till our sides split with laughter 

We  watched three Disney videos, got him a stylish “ Fade” haircut and had his favorite meal “ Steak” several times

Wrestling, and me tickling him, till he howled with laughter…and lit up the sky with his joy.

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This is my last girlfriend, before I got married.

I’ll take playing with my son over sex with her…any day.

Thank you God for Chastity…

Chastity Office 151

My wife has her own home, but sleeps here seven nights a week, in her own room, and spends the weekends here, with our son.

I do not objectify her. I do not intrigue with her.

I do not fantasize about her. It is perfectly chaste.

Subsequently, she can help, with me, to create a safe, fun, home for our son.

Thank you God for Chastity 

Chastity Office 152

Addiction, like depression, is a mental health issue, according to the United States Surgeon General.

The Surgeon General said last month, 10/22, that “76% of workers showed at least one symptom of a mental health condition”. 

That’s three out of four working people.

You don’t have to be full blown, white jacket, rubber-room, syringe-in-your-arm, drooling-down-your-beard, crazy…You can just be showing one sign.

As a sex addict, you cannot be free of that mental illness if you are still objectifying, fantasizing or intriguing.

Think about that for a moment: Do I want to have signs of being mentally ill?

…or do I want to be free?